Thursday, October 20, 2011

Your First Lover

I found these encouraging words from a 30-year-old unmarried woman.  God be forever praised.

"As I have waited for my prince I have grown into a woman who is yes, far from perfect, but who is greatly more prepared now to be the wife Jesus designed me to be when He does bring my prince along.
I encourage you to go deeper with Jesus, to fall so in love with your God, the Author of your life, your Best Friend, your Savior, that your heart, your thoughts are consumed with Him.
Let Him, as Stephen Curtis Chapman sings about, be your 'great obsession.'"

-Taken from Watching For the Morning magazine by
Candace Davidson
P.O Box 842
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219


  1. It's very true! I'm far from being anywhere near a "ruby", but God has done so much for me all these years of being single. He still is...hopefully, I'll make a good wife when the day comes!

  2. This too is something I am realizing and learning. Thank you God for being patient with me!
