Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Test of Faith

"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? why art Thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?"
Psalm 22:1
Have you ever thought that perhaps God did not really forsake David in the Psalm above?  Perhaps, it was David who had not communed with the Lord in such a while that it felt as if the Lord had left him to wallow in his own sad, depraved heart?  I wonder.

Lately, I have come to realize that life is a spiraling event of constant cycles.  -At least, for me it is.

I don't understand why this, why that- who in their right mind would such-and-such.... why so-and-so think such-and-such and why they don't...

Who, what, why, where.

I start begrudging, I start becoming bitter; I am angered that such lies float around!  

And yet, I must learn to just stop, take a long look at the setting sun, take a deep breath, and be thankful for what I have and who I have by my side in this twisted road of life.  For, it is not mine to know so many things, even when I so want to!

God knew that I would be going through this long, long ago.  He knew that my faith would be tested in such a manner.  He knew that I would feel desperately all alone sometimes... but, why would I be put through such a test if He knew of it all along?

Perhaps I have been neglecting Him, of late.  Perhaps my attentions have been robbed, that I needed to be stripped of everything and everyone in my life that I seemed to lean upon too much for the support they couldn't give... did I ever think about that??

How long has it been since I woke to see the sun rising from the beautiful blue night sky, as the birds first start chirping their good-mornings to read His Word in the silence of the dawn?  How long has it been since I found a special little nook in the cool morning landscape, to hide away for awhile just to talk to Him as a Friend- a Support- a Confidante like none other?

I knew it had been too long to remember the last time.  But the baby needed me so very much of late, always wanting to be held or played with, or a bottle fixed or put to nap.  And then what about the laundry, the piling dishes, the stinky bathroom, that heap of clothes on the bed?  Why do I want to sleep in the cool morning hours? -Especially with baby girl by my side?!  What about dinner?  What about those things my honey asked me to do before he got home later that day?  What about even looking presentable for him and not still in my jammies???

The Lord knows all about my life.  He gave it to me.  In fact, it was this very life that I prayed, hoped, yearned, dreamed and cried for so many, many years.  I sat at His feet, then... asking Him so sweetly to give me these desires of my heart.  And now that He gave them to me...... I don't spend even just a few minutes with Him?

How heartless of me.  How shameful!

I will read His Word, I will spend time with Him again.  And not just because I am hurting and need Him badly.  But because I need Him- I need Him like I need air to breathe, like I need water and food to survive.  My soul has been thirsting and hungering for so very long, now, it is destitute and needs the nourishment only He can offer.

Won't you join me in examining your life and seeking to worship the KING of kings, LORD of lords?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Crazy Husband & The Girl Who Likes It That Way

Our wedding day- April 28, 2012

The other day, I was told that my husband is crazy.  If I were thinking straight, I would have responded proudly, "That's my man!"

But to tell the truth, I was very confused.  Very distraught.  Very heartbroken.

The past 10 days (and 2 years) leading up to that point in my life seemed so real, yet at the same time, such a blur.  It seemed so serious a matter, yet other times I would think to myself, "Can this really be happening?!"

Allow me the pleasure of explaining why this girl likes the fact that my husband is cRaZy...... :-P

                 I came from a conservative family.  My parents were what some call 'first-generation Christians.'  I'm the oldest of 7 children, with a half-brother who's older than me.   We lived in a rural city and secluded ourselves from any church family after an incident in the family caused us to lean on each other and practically nobody else.  I was about 13.

I was very close to my mom and sisters.  I was the "good" girl, the one who would be found cleaning after someone without getting upset with them.  I was the one my mom came to for advice sometimes.  I was the one who planned menus, loved grocery shopping, and dreamed of becoming somebody's wife and living happily ever after.  I was the one who wrote out a list of 'qualities' my future husband should have, because he would be perfect.  I was the one who said I wouldn't hold hands until our wedding day.

I had seen how my parents' marriage had gone from good to bad to worse, and finally good to better to wonderful.  It filled me with a sense of security to see that.  And then, my thoughts would drift away to the future.  I dreamed of having a marriage like theirs: blissful, happy, perfect.

Well, okay- I knew everything was not peaches and cream all the time... but hey!  They had each other and that's all that mattered.  Right?

Mother learned to spend less time on the phone with her friends and instead be with Daddy.  Less women's Bible Studies where all they seemed to do was chat with each other about what this husband did or what that husband said.  She spent more time with us children.  She and Daddy began dating again.  And instead of making dinner the way she said it was going to be made, she'd ask him what he wanted.  All I could see was that Daddy was not so moody anymore, Mother was not the source of too many arguments, and we kids were a lot happier, too.  Whatever they were doing differently must be working out for them, I thought, storing away little memos in that section of my brain labeled "For Future Marriage."

Then, my life received an abrupt interruption in the Fall of 2011.

As my 25th birthday approached slowly but surely, I wondered - as I had so often wondered before - where that special guy was and why we hadn't found each other yet.  An old grandpa met me at one of our singing engagements and told me, "Some guy's going to find you and be so happy, someday!"  I just smiled and laughed it off, all the while thinking to myself, "Oh yeah right.  He's just going to fall out of the sky one day... ha!"

March 2012

Just two weeks later, it would seem that he did just fall out of the sky - literally. :-)  I received a message from a guy whose family my family and I met briefly at a festival in Colorado almost three years before.  They all played music, too, just like us.  The message indicated just a friendship, but it would be the first GUY I ever corresponded with.  I was shocked, excited and nervous all at once.  I remembered what I had always envisioned doing when that "moment" finally came, so I did the effortless: I directed him to ask my dad if it would be okay for us to write.

I could say the rest is history - and that would be true - but the "rest" is not actually history until it happens.

                   Stephen is not a typical guy when it comes to character and demeanor.  He has ideas pop into his head at the oddest moments; he likes to analyze a situation in a way that seems totally opposite of what would be called typical; he finds another angle to a matter, in order to understand it better; he has a thought and shares it - sometimes without thinking what the repercussions could be; he has values; he has convictions; he loves the Truth; he has a great arsenal of knowledge about the Bible and its contents; he is vehement about Right and Wrong; he is passionate for his family; and so much, much more.

Fast-forward to our first month of marriage.  I was very new at this thing called marriage; after all, I'd had no practice!  In my mind, being a good wife was being just that: good.  In every way.  I thought (without even realizing it) that I should shove my own feelings out of the way and just do whatever he wanted; unless, of course, he wanted to blatantly sin or something.  Stephen brought to my attention the fact that this was not what the Bible taught us wives; in a way, I wasn't trusting him enough with my whole heart.  I knew that it wasn't my job to be his conscience or his mother.  My job was to be his Help Meet (Genesis 2:18). 

Wedding Reception in NC - May 19, 2012

Let me point out, here and now, that I don't believe the Bible talks of submission as a kind of slavery.  Marriage is meant to be a team - not an imbalanced yoke upon one or the other spouse.  If both roles of husband and wife are being played out as the Bible intended* then they will be "heirs together of the grace of life" as it says in 1 Peter 3:7.  My husband is my friend, my confidante, my partner, my helper - yes, even my guide sometimes. 

In our 16 months of marriage, we have had our fair share of in-law "drama."  I always seem to get stuck between both parties, defending one and then the other... which only results in confusion and hard feelings on the part of everyone involved. 

These past two weeks have been yet another such conflict.  I feel like I know my family very well.... and I know my husband very well.... but they don't know each other very well... it can prove to be a very awkward, very messy situation.  :-/

I didn't know how they could not understand one another.  Why couldn't they get along?  Stephen tried to help me see things the way he saw them - and I did, to an extent.  I was baffled the rest of the time.  We were praying hard that things would somehow calm down on both sides and we could settle the huge disagreement once and for all.  This time around, I was slowly but surely beginning to see how I had been disregarding my husband's sincerest concerns - concerns for righteousness, godliness and a separate entity all our own.  It was hard for me to see it as clearly as he saw it.  So I sought online resources to help me see what I was missing.

One of the articles I found seemed to describe me perfectly.  I was so excited.  It said:

"Your mate views your unwillingness to stop these intrusions into your family as betrayal.  Your mate believes that every time you take your parents' side or do nothing to stop your parents' intrusion, you are betraying your vows to honor your mate above all others."**

I had thought that it would be better for us to ignore the impositions; to pretend as if they never happened.  But Stephen kept saying we should do something about it..... now, I understood why he felt this way.

I don't pretend that my husband or I are perfect in any way.  We definitely have our faults like anybody else.  And I definitely don't think that he is perfect and can do no wrong... he's a sinful man just like I'm a sinful woman.  If we weren't, there would be no need for the saving grace of Jesus Christ!  All that to say, that, we contributed somewhat to the contention.  But the root problem still remained and we had to do something about it.

The next day, I was flipping through a book*** that outlined three types of men: the Steady, the Command, and the Visionary.  I couldn't believe what I found:

"Once you get it into your head that your husband does not have to be 'right' for you to follow him, you will FINALLY be able to say 'bye-bye' to your overwrought parents, even when they are screaming that you are married to a crazy man.  People looking on will marvel that you are able to love and appreciate your husband, but you will know better because you will see his greatness."

So why do I like the fact that he's "crazy"?  Because he is willing to be crazy for the sake of righteousness and goodness.  He's willing to be crazy for the sake of protecting our home - in any way, shape or form.  

And I find great security in that.

*See:  1 Corinthians 7:3, 1 Corinthians 14:35, Ephesians 5:22-25, Ephesians 5:33, Colossians 3:18 & 19, 1 Peter 3:1, 5, 7
**Click here to view article.
***Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Gabrielle is now 5 months old, continuing to bring love and joy to those around her.  It is simply fascinating to watch her grow and learn each and every day.

She is my "Sweeticums."

Don't ask me where I heard that pet-name, but it's stuck with me for years.  I hate to admit it, but I used to have a cat named Sweetheart whom I would call "Sweeticums" sometimes.... and now, I'm calling my daughter that - lol.

We can't wait to see her blossom into the flower of a princess that she is!  - All the while, learning how to be the parents God would want us to be. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Beach Bums: First Family Vacation

13 weeks old
Well, we're back!  Sure miss that ocean-air but it's good to be back home. :-)

Gabrielle enjoyed sleeping, eating, and laughing the whole time... she wasn't quite sure what to think about the noisy water, even when we put her feet in it. ;-)

City of Southport, NC

All full of fun...

Stephen wades in the water

Listening to the ocean

We left baby with Aunt Mary to go fishing early one morning...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Coming Up: Baby's First Vacation!

While we aren't there yet, we are getting terribly excited about leaving tomorrow (Lord-willing)!  For the two of us who already *love* road-trips, and having not been on one in about two years, we are just thrilled for the opportunity to get on the road again - this time, for a 5-hour journey.  Yay!

So.... be looking out for sun-tanned beach bums with a cooing baby in her sunglasses, hehe ;-D

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy 1st Anniversary... US!!!

What a whole lot the Lord has done in our lives and for us in just one year.  We are so grateful for ALL the ups and downs, the joys, the hardships... He has truly blessed us throughout.

Here is what I wrote last year in my journal:

"My Lord and Savior,

This is my wedding day... already! O Lord, how excellent Thou art in all the earth. How I praise Thee for Thy wonderful works to the children of men, for Thy mercy that fadeth not away.

This relationship that turned into an engagement, that is now about to become a beautiful marriage is *just* for YOUR GLORY. Stephen and I live and breathe to shine the Light to others that may be watching. Lord, we just want to honor and reverence You. In Jesus' Name.

Stephen and I applied and got the license yesterday in Madill [Oklahoma]. :-) I signed my name as Christina Rene' Grubb Knotts. :-) Thank You, Lord, for all that You have provided.
Last night, we sang and Stephen played banjo for "When We All Get to Heaven" and "I'll Fly Away." Everyone loved it! Then, as the invitation hymn, Pastor E. chose "Take My Life and Let It Be" - the very song I have chosen to walk down to! Stephen immediately looked at me and said, "That's not a coincidence, is it?!" My man is so in love with You, Lord. I heard him whisper prayers for wisdom and direction for him and I.

"Unto Thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if Thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto Thee, when I lift up my hands toward Thy holy oracle." (Psalm 28:1, 2)

Bless this THY day. Guide and direct us both, to Your glory."

Monday, April 8, 2013

She's hhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's here!  She finally made her appearance!

Gabrielle Christiana

was born Monday, March 11th at 2:31a.m. via emergency c-section.  She weighed 8lbs 9oz and measured 20-3/4" long!  Mommy, baby and Daddy, too are doing well despite sleepless nights.

We are so thankful to the LORD for His goodness throughout labor (which lasted approximately 20 hours) and delivery.

Many thanks to all who have been praying for us.  We so appreciate your love and friendship!

A few days old...
4 weeks old!